Central Florida Neurofeedback

Why Do I Offer Neurofeedback Training?

Georgia Howorth-Fair

After reading the new bible for trauma treatment, The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van der Kolk, and learning that neurofeedback training is a valuable tool in healing developmental trauma (much like yoga, body movement, meditation, etc.), I had to find out more about it. I went to a trauma conference and found a presentation on neurofeedback and it's uses. Neurofeedback training is a wonderful adjunct to any psychotherapy, can help with a variety of issues including problems with stress, sleep, concentration and focus, and blocked creativity. I started my own training, and immediately saw the benefit. I have never been comfortable offering something to my clients that I have not done myself, so this was a no-brainer (no pun intended)!

I have continued with my own sessions, training about 2 times a week. It definitely helps manage the normal stress of everyday living, and certainly helped me navigate the insanity of COVID and all it brought.

Georgia Howorth-Fair, MS, LMFT, LMHC, DCEP